AGIDE aims to developing in the population a strong ecologic consuousness that will becomes concrete by some ways of life and exploitations that preserve and respect the wealth and (the integrity of the ecosystems) and natural resources renewable.
In other to achieve effectively this purpose mission, AGIDE has some objectives such as:
• Fighting against poverty, ignorance and misery which are the main cause of some activities destroying the ecosystem.
• Promote agriculture of all season depending not on the climate and not worring about ecologic.
Utilisation du bois de chauffe, cause de la déforestation
Vue d'ensemble de la station de lavage de gravier au bord du Zio
Pollution de l'eau du Zio par le lavage du gravier
Des champs incontrôlés dans lit du Zio, sur d'érosion et d'inondation un problème épineux à combatre
(c) ong agide - Créé à l'aide de Populus.
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