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AGIDE is an ecological organization who is struggling for better life in better environment. For AGIDE, illness is one the important handicap for development. Many researches show that mushroom stimulates the immune system. 
We gave an important place to Ecohealth strategies. We advise famers to consume a part of mushroom produced themselves and benefit its good effect for their health. Days they spent at hospital or at home will be spent for production. This strategy is shown very helpful for people living with HIV who use mushroon with the ARV drugs. 
In Togo, all the organization working with people living with HIV are focused on ARV, the conventional treatment. Although, we believe in ARV using, AGIDE focuses its action on mushroom using as adjuvant treatment. This strategy is unique for AGIDE in the hall country 
Here are some results  
A man of 44 years old living in Lomé  
He was using ARV but his CD4 rate was decreasing confirm by health check In May 2008 he started using the mushroom powder as adjuvant treatment. In January 2009, his CD4 rate increase from 254CD4/µl to 569CD4/µl. he decided to stop the mushroom using for experience. On November 17th 2009, a new health control shows that his CD4 rate has decreased to from 569 to 446CD4/µl. From this experience he decided to continue using the mushroom powder with ARV until nowadays.  
A woman of 50 years old living in Tsevie  
The Senior Technician of Tsevie Regional Hospital gave the mushroom powder to a woman whose CD4 rate was 74CD4/µl. Three months later, a new control showed an increase from 74CD4/µl to 324CD4/µl. She is living today without using ARV.  
A man of 35 years old living in Lomé  
He was under ARV treatment and has stopped it because of side effects since 13 months. When he came to me, he was very sick. A health control showed that he had 6CD4/µl. Within one month by taking mushroom powder, his CD4 rate has increased from 6CD4/µl to 19CD4/µl. He starts anew using ARV combined with mushroom until today 
A man of 56 years old living in Tsevie  
He is at hospital of Tsevie and was paralyzed because of the sickness in Avril 2008. His CD4 rate was 37. At that time there was lack of ARV. So the Senior Technician of Tsevie Regional Hospital proposed him the use of mushroom powder and other treatment. Three months later, he started walking just one month after he started using ARV. He is now the Leader of the heath team in AGIDE. (see his photo when he was sick and now). 
Many people with HIV who has benefited from the action are now mushroom producers 
Pour contacter Monsieur AZOUMA: :  


(c) ong agide - Créé à l'aide de Populus.
Modifié en dernier lieu le 9.11.2011
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